Health Benefits of Golden Milk! Recipes And More

Dear readers, I can't imagine my cuisine without my favorite condiments. I love a lot, but my favorite seasonings are matella, universal medium-spicy seasoning and turmeric. If something ends, immediately go to the market for a new portion of seasonings. I buy only there wooden stacks. Today I want to tell you about the golden milk from turmeric. Have you heard of this? If not, please, I advise you very much.

I often use this spice when cooking different dishes. For many, turmeric is an exotic condiment, which is added mainly to pilaf. But turmeric can be seasoned almost all dishes of our table, it is added to various sauces, it is perfect for meat and poultry, seafood and vegetables, giving food a pleasant color, unique taste and aroma. And at the same time it is very useful for our health.

The birthplace of turmeric is India, where it has long been used not only as a condiment, but also successfully used as a therapeutic, restoring energy and cleansing the whole body. Turmeric is widespread in Southeast Asia, in America and is gradually conquering Europe. It is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine, in cosmetology.

In many old recipes you can find recommendations to use turmeric along with milk and honey. It turns out an unusually tasty milk of golden color. Such golden milk from turmeric I often cook for my family, it has many useful and therapeutic properties. Today we will talk about the benefits and harms of golden milk from turmeric, consider the recipes for its preparation, learn how to take it correctly.

Useful properties of the drink

Turmeric belongs to the ginger family and, like ginger, is a warming spice. It contains vitamins C, B2, B3, P, vitamin K, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine.

Turmeric itself has a lot of useful properties, it is desirable as often as possible to include in their diet for the prevention of many diseases. And above all, it should be noted that it is a natural antibiotic, useful for all gastrointestinal, the work of the whole body. And turmeric is also a wonderful antiseptic.

In combination with milk its benefit is difficult to overestimate, this drink is not in vain called golden milk, it really has unique healing properties:

  •     Antioxidant
  •     anti-inflammatory,
  •     Antiseptic
  •     decongestant,
  •     diuretic,
  •     painkillers,
  •     blood-stopping,
  •     bile,
  •     Soothing.

If you add honey to such a drink, its medicinal properties are amplified many times. Let's take a closer look at the health benefits of this drink.

Golden milk with turmeric. Health benefits

Milk with the addition of turmeric and color turns golden, and in its qualities too.

Coughing and cold

With colds, coughing, sore throat milk with turmeric at night will help to recover faster. Turmeric is a natural antimicrobial, it can even replace synthetic antibiotics without disrupting the intestinal flora and having no other side effects inherent in antibacterial drugs. Warm milk with the addition of turmeric will reduce sore throat, relieve inflammation, reduce heat, remove toxins from the body.

When coughing, it is useful to add to the milk along with turmeric 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder. All who coughed milk with turmeric, reviews leave the most enthusiastic.

Immunity Relief

Milk from turmeric will provide significant help in the fight against ailments, will help to recover from the disease, as turmeric has a unique ability to strengthen the immune system. Useful in the decline of forces, with intense physical activity.

Benefits for joints

Turmeric contains curcumin, a substance that gives this bright sunny color and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, the drink of turmeric will help with pain in joints, spine, muscles and ligaments. It will relieve pain, swelling and cramps, improve joint mobility.

For metabolism

Turmeric is useful to include in a diet in diabetes, obesity, as it reduces blood sugar, regulates metabolic processes in the body, including lipid metabolism. Healing drink cleanses the body of excess cholesterol, toxins, promotes weight loss.

For digestive organs

Milk with turmeric is very useful for all digestive organs, it improves the motor skills of the intestines, reduces the phenomenon of flatulence, helps with inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, cleanses the liver and even helps against diarrhea.

Cardiovascular system

Vitamin C and P in turmeric strengthen the vessels, making this drink useful for cardiac activity. It stabilizes blood pressure, heart rate, removes excess cholesterol, preventing the threat of heart attacks and strokes.

Nervous system

Milk drunk at night with turmeric perfectly copes with insomnia, with course application sleep becomes strong and calm, providing a full night rest. The drink is recommended for apathy, depression, headache, nervous disorders, over excitement.

Strengthening agent for the liver and gallbladder

Old dementia

It is very scary to watch people suffering from senile dementia, and in recent years Alzheimer's disease is manifested more and more often. Research by American scientists suggests that turmeric can prevent and slow the development of this terrible disease. And milk with turmeric is also an additional source of calcium, vital for the elderly.

Milk with turmeric for women

The healing drink of turmeric improves female reproductive function, it is useful to take in gynecological diseases, mastopathy, any tumors in the genitourinary sphere. The drink strengthens the bones, and its antioxidant properties allow to preserve youth for years to come.

This beautiful milk has an unusually beneficial effect on the skin, it is useful to use inside and cook from it various cosmetics. It relieves skin irritation, redness, peeling, making the skin elastic and clean, brightens freckles and pigment spots. The article goes on to include a recipe for a turmeric mask with a rejuvenating effect.

For the skin

Turmeric has traditionally been used in the preparation of various cosmetics. The external use of turmeric makes the skin smooth, removes wrinkles and other signs of premature aging, helps against blackheads and promotes rapid wound healing. Milk with turmeric further enhances these effects and cleanses the skin from skin rashes, irritation, fladce. Regular intake of golden milk provides great relief to patients with eczema.

There are several recipes for the preparation of a medicinal drink, it can be added honey, almond or sesame oil, ghee or butter, ginger, pepper.

Turmeric paste for golden milk

To make golden milk from turmeric, you need to pre-cook a paste of water and turmeric powder, which can be stored in the refrigerator for a month and added to milk as needed. The ancient oriental science of Ayurveda's long and healthy life offers such a recipe.

Milk with turmeric and honey

You can make golden milk from turmeric easier. To do this:

    In a glass of cold milk you need to add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder,

    stir, bring to a boil and cool a little.

    Then add honey and drink immediately.

In boiling milk honey can not be put, because under the influence of high temperatures the beneficial properties of honey are destroyed.

Milk with turmeric and ginger

    In a small amount of boiled water, dilute 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder and crushed ginger.

    Add milk to the glass and bring to the boil.

    Strain, cool a little and add honey.

    Drink warmly.

How to drink milk with turmeric

Golden milk from turmeric is a medical remedy that will help with many health problems.

    To prevent it, it is taken as needed,

    For medicinal purposes it is better to use course use, one cup for 20 - 30 days.

It is advisable to take it warmly.

What time to drink a medicinal drink from turmeric?

When is the best place to drink this drink? There is no unequivocal opinion, let's turn to Ayurveda to understand this. Ayurvedic texts say that milk with turmeric, drunk at different times of the day, affects the body in different ways.

Morning. If you drink it in the morning, it will give a boost of energy and strength, if you drink such milk in the afternoon, it will increase digestion and urination, improve appetite.

For the night. Milk with turmeric, drunk at night, acts soothingly on the nervous system, improves sleep, warms the respiratory organs, strengthens the immune system. It is best to drink it for an hour and a half before bedtime, so that it has time to partially assimilate the body.

What can't be combined with?

Milk is not compatible with meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, so golden milk from turmeric can not be drunk before meals and immediately after meals. It should take at least an hour between the meal and the turmeric drink.

Golden milk from turmeric for weight loss

Is it possible to lose weight by eating this drink? Of course, wisdom is needed here. If we drink this milk and consume all sorts of harmful things, do not lead an active lifestyle, it is clear that it will be difficult to lose weight here.

Unlike most spices, turmeric does not have a pronounced bright taste, does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, prevents the development of obesity. It does not stimulate appetite. Here are two recipes for losing weight.

In boiling water (100 mg) dissolve 1 tbsp spices, boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, add to 250 ml of milk and add 1 tsp honey. Drinking before bedtime;

1/2 liter of water boiled, add 1 tbsp spices, a pinch of cinnamon, 3 tbsp black tea (leaf), grated ginger (3 cm), soak on fire for 5 minutes. After cooling add honey (1 tsp), add 500 ml of kefir. Drink such a drink in the evening instead of dinner.


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