Ringing in the Ears (Tinnitus)? Its Causes & How to Stop it?
Tinnitus, which has the name tinnitus in medical terminology, is a manifestation of a disease and does not occur on its own. How does it appear and what happens? Inside the ear canal is the eardrum separating the inner and outer ear. On the inside of the eardrum adjoins the structure consisting of three auditory bones. As a result of the movement of air there are vibrations of the eardrum, transmitted to the auditory structures of the inner ear. From the pits vibrational movements pass to a rolled-up, fluid-filled tube - a snail. The movement of fluid in the cochlea causes the hair cells to oscillate from the inside. Here there are nerve impulses, which are transferred to the brain by nerve fibers. Damage to hair cells causes various hearing impairments - ringing, noise, hum, hearing loss. In some diseases, these cells move constantly, resulting in nerve impulses entering the brain even in absolute silence. The ringing can be: Subjective - heard only to the patient; ...