It Help Me to Take off my 47 KG and Began My New Life at 33!

Hello everyone! I am the author of this blog Just look at my these two faces(today and 5 months ago). I am happy to share with you my short but inspirational story, how I only weighing 47KG and is no longer fat.
Actually i was pretty slim and everything changed when I got married. Me and my husband usually sat on the sofa with glasses, beer and chips and watched tv for many hours. I got married and stopped worrying about my looks.  I have my ring now, so why should I put a lot of effort into it? Within 6 months my weight increases to 95KG.
Gradually I turned into a pig. I have no problem calling myself that. Instead of two chins I had four. Even i could hide money in the wrinkles of my belly. I swear that no one would find it if they searched me. My sagging body trembled at the slightest movement, and the movement made me wheezing. I used the elevator to get to the second floor because I was afraid to suffocate.

We were planning for a baby, but it was easier said than done. Doctor told us that I had to lose weight and gave me a strict diet plan. I managed to lose 18kg and everyone said I was great. But then it all back all over again. NOW I CAN EAT AGAIN. I gained weight again and got even fatter than before.
At age 30, I had serious health problems like High Cholesterol, blood pressure, heart and pancreatic problems, type 2 diabetes and even psoriasis. And it is because of my fat ass.  I didn’t just look bad, I felt it. I was totally apathetic and depressed.
My relationship was also fraught with problems. My husband refuge to sex with me and it’s continued for 6 months. He supported me at first, but then we almost stopped talking. At that moment I realized that this MUST BE!
I didn’t even think about diets or the gym. I had to act quickly to save my marriage. I searched the internet and even consulted a nutritionist online. I described my situation and told her I needed a quick and lasting result. She recommended me To Custom Keto Diet .
If only I had known that before.  Custom Keto Diet plan are amazing that support the body during ketosis (carbohydrate deficiency of cells). Its active ingredients minimize fatigue, eliminate apathy, prevent the “keto flu” and supply the body with important nutrients. With Custom Keto Diet you can eat all foods with carbohydrates as long as you don’t overdo it. The active formula contained in the product speeds the fat burning process by 2-3 times without adversely affecting our body.
I measured myself and was amazed that I lost 3cm of my stomach circumference in just one week.

In one month I lost 12kg without doing anything! Genuine! I only took Keto Guru and ate as usual: meat, pasta, fish, even pies. But the portions became much smaller. I was full of hope and ordered more.
Long speech, short sense: Just look at my photo!
In 5 months with Keto Guru I lost 47kg. I look at my old photos and never want to be like it used to be. I am a healthy woman now and feel wonderful. I have a happy smile and our passion in marriage has returned. Thank God the hard days are over! After losing weight, I began to yearn for an active lifestyle. We no longer sip in front of the TV, but have active weekends.
PS: I am more than satisfied with the result and believe that you can! I have seen in the comments that many of you also want to lose weight. That’s why I shared my experiences. If you have trouble taking weight in the traditional way (as in my case), you can order Keto Guru here . This will also help you to live a new life.


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